Free Proxy for WhatsApp in Qatar[2023 update]

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March 15th, 2023

Can A Proxy Substitute a VPN?

You may have heard of the new built-in feature presented in the recent update by WhatsApp, the ability to add proxies, and thus having the option of bypassing restrictions in countries where WhatsApp is blocked, like Qatar. It can make a lot of difference like WhatsApp blocked calls may be unblocked all of a sudden, and surely chat features would work nicely. But there are major concerns that come along with it. Take a look at our previous articles on WhatsApp:

WhatsApp blocked calls

How to unblock WhatsApp call in Qatar

Questions of safety, quality of connection and speed, and general functionality are raised. Where are we supposed to get these, for free, and is it okay to use free ones? Another relevant issue would be, is it any substitute for a good, reliable VPN? There are inherent differences between a VPN and a proxy server, which can only matter to the need or usage. It also differs from country to country so there's a whole other aspect to it. Here we try to clarify many points, while briefly comparing the two bypassing methods.


What You’ll Read Here

Internet and WhatsApp in Qatar

Learn about the internet situation in Qatar and other MENA countries.

VPN vs Proxy

To learn which is which and what's what, and be able to spot your own needs and obtain what is best for you.


A very quick tour of our brand so you don't have to look any further for an answer and know what’s the best VPN in Qatar!

Internet and WhatsApp in Qatar

Qatar, alongside a handful of other countries, consisting mostly of the Persian Gulf nations like the UAE and others such as China is a place where WhatsApp and other VoIP apps are blocked. In countries like the UAE and Qatar, this has a mixture of political and financial reasons. The political facet might be too wicked to guess, but the financial reasons are more obvious. Since the major telecom companies are government-owned in Qatar and the UAE it is only obvious that they don't tolerate any sort of competition, especially one that is free and may seriously run their telecom businesses to the ground. Hence the complete ban on the VoIP services that the governments don't own a piece of and can't control, like WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime.

How do you unblock VoIP services in Qatar

The results of this ban can't be overstated, many ex-pats may be disconnected from family and friends entirely, and so would any foreigner visiting Qatar. It can literally mean losing money for anyone using WhatsApp to run a business remotely. A very popular method to bypass restrictions is a Virtual Private Network or a VPN. Now with the recent update released by WhatsApp, you can unblock WhatsApp using another tool called a proxy. Now is it better than a VPN? Next, we delve deeper into this and compare the two methods.

VPN vs Proxy

  • What's a Proxy?

To put it simply, a proxy is an intermediary, a computer(somewhere else, remote) that acts as a go-between, between you and the website you're trying to reach, a gateway when you connect to the internet, so your connection is masked somehow. What it does ultimately, is change your IP, thus hiding your real IP address. A proxy does this while you're using a specific app or are on a specific website.

This is useful for bypassing internet restrictions since it's not your device but the proxy that's trying to reach the desired content, and the proxy isn't restricted. But there resides its Achilles heel: the Qatari government could just block that server, and you have to go in search of another. Also, free proxies, being publicly released, have so many users that the quality of the internet is diminished considerably, so you may be able to use it to text-chat on WhatsApp, but not make a smooth call.

  • What's a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network changes your IP, and like a proxy, reroutes your internet traffic through a server remotely. But it does it for every online activity on your device and isn't limited to an app or a website. Another thing that it does, and far exceeds a proxy's capabilities, is encryption of your data, which means your online activity will be completely private, even from your ISP(Internet Service Provider). This also means that if you use a reliable VPN, your data will be safe from all eavesdroppers, the government, and hackers.

Best VPN for iOS in Qatar

  • Well? VPN or Proxy?

It should be obvious by now that a VPN has many more uses and qualities than a proxy server. In direct comparison, all a proxy does is change your IP and reroute your traffic only for a website or app, but a VPN does a total rerouting of your internet traffic in everything on your device, OS-level. Besides, a proxy doesn't encrypt your data, so your data is not as safe as with a VPN. A VPN also does a lot for your internet quality, and your WhatsApp call won't suffer any poor connection with a good VPN. So we strongly recommend a VPN instead of a proxy, but not any VPN.

What’s the Best VPN for Mac in Qatar


What MenaVPN offers is what a Qatar resident needs: anti-filtration and unblocking strength, high speed, immaculate security, and reliable support. It's got great ratings, high speed connection, great support team, and offers perfect privacy being 100% in accord with European Union privacy policies, being based in the Netherlands. It also offers a 7-day free trial, and it's money-back guaranteed. Download it now and be amazed how easy the internet restrictions can be gotten around!

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