Why You need a VPN during FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar.

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A Brief Guide to Qatar in 2022

Back in 2010 when it was announced that twelve years later the FIFA World Cup games were going to be hosted by Qatar, some (if not many) eyebrows were raised. To a great number of people though, those who had been paying attention and following the news coming from this rather small emirate among the gulf nations, this bit of news came as no surprise. Qatar has had one of the fastest-growing economies not only in the region but also in the whole world. In the forty years prior to the FIFA announcement, Qatar has been transformed from a mere emirate with low prospects into one of the major oil and gas producers in the world, modernizing the country in a massive scale so much so that in richness and splendor its capital, Doha, is second only to Dubai. Now the long expected time is closing in and tens of thousands of people from all over the world have already made plans to attend the games there. This makes it a proper occasion to ask a few questions about how things are in Qatar, the living conditions and laws, especially those regarding the internet and similar services that can be accessed freely and without restriction in other parts of the world. Qatar, though regarded technologically an advanced and progressive country, is still governed by conservative laws, though they could be described as a bit more lenient than the strict Sharia law, common among the gulf nations. This makes it difficult for an average football fan or just a traveler (especially if European) to cope with. Why? First of all because this means that many obvious freedoms that she used to enjoy are prohibited in Qatar. For example, to buy any kind of alcoholic beverage she needs to obtain a special permit and it is served only in a number of places, or, there are rules regarding the dress code, at the beach for example. It doesn't end there, with matters one might consider as 'cultural differences'. A foreigner in Qatar might want to call a friend or a family member; in order to make it she may decide to use a reasonable and totally acceptable platform like WhatsApp or Skype. Chances are, the call won't get through. She'll have to make the call through telecommunication services and pay a fortune for a mere half-hour chat with a loved-one. And if she wants to watch an episode of her favorite show on a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, she'll be disappointed to find her efforts futile. The same happens with some online gaming platforms. In what comes next we'll delve into the matter further and suggest what we believe to be the best and the easiest solution.

The Internet Situation in Qatar

It is no longer news that in certain countries the government has imposed restrictions in order to keep their citizens' access and connection to the internet under control, and especially among the gulf emirates and the whole MENA region this is common practice, and Qatar is no exception. That's basically the main reason behind the difficulties a foreigner might experience while he stays in Qatar. At the time of the World Cup games especially this will ruin all the fun he's expecting to have, thus making it all a big disappointment. This all sounds very disheartening and even ominous but don't lose hope! To every problem there is a solution, and the solution we put forth for this particular one is as easy as can be. It's called a VPN. In what comes next we'll get you acquainted with it.

What is a VPN?

The acronym VPN stands for virtual private network. It creates a virtual and encrypted tunnel linking your device to the server. In many ways it is by far the most affordable and easy-to-use method to get around the restrictions and have full access to all of the content on the internet. A VPN is more than just a barrier-breaker for the internet. It is also very popular among those who wish to surf the web more privately, and feel their data is safe. So there's a whole other facet to the use of VPN, which is not our focus here to stress upon, but is worth mentioning. All that being said, there's no shortage of useless apps that carry the title of VPN on the market (both free and not). To give you some idea about what a good VPN is like, one that works in Qatar and meets your needs, we have dedicated a whole new chapter to it.

Which VPN to use during the 2022 FIFA World Cup

So far we've established that a VPN is essential if you're in Qatar and you want to use the internet to its full potential. But anyone who has just simply typed out the words 'vpn app' in Google search gets lost and perhaps even a bit overwhelmed by the tons of stuff that present themselves as VPN providers. One can even type out a more specific bunch of key words like 'VPN in Qatar' and still get nowhere. Most of us first try a couple of these out, look for the top-rated ones, and then install them. Some of them are even free, but they lack a lot of the qualities we expect from an affordable, trustworthy and well-functioning VPN. It is safe to say that the free VPNs for Qatar are practically useless, let alone unsafe. There are those that charge you (and quite handsomely, too) but most of them still don't work properly. For a more detailed account of why (some) VPNs don't work see here. They are not designed for a VPN user from Qatar and the MENA region. One says to herself, at times like this, "Surely, there must be something out there that meets my needs". And there is. It's called MENA VPN, and it's arguably the best on the market. Our team has specifically concentrated their efforts toward finding the best, fastest and overall the most economically optimal ways to bypass the restrictions, having your whole time's worth of fun while staying in Qatar and attending the World Cup games. It's the fastest, the safest, and the most affordable choice on the market. See for yourself. Get it now and enjoy a 7-day free trial!

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