
يمكن Botim المكالمات تتبع في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ؟

botim calls

لماذا يجب عليك تجنب استخدام Botim?

تطبيق MenaVPN هو أفضل تطبيق VPN لنظامي Android و iOS.
متاح للتنزيل مجانًا أدناه.
تمكنك MenaVPN من إجراء مكالمات واتساب، FaceTime، فتح الألعاب، بث المحتوى عبر الإنترنت، والوصول إلى مواقع الويب المقيدة الأخرى جغرافيًا.

الارتفاع الأخير عبر بروتوكول الإنترنت تزداد شعبية التطبيقات التي تستخدم هذه التكنولوجيا جعلت لها تأثير كبير على حياتنا منذ معظمها مجانا كلنا استخدامها. لم يعد لدينا لدفع ثروة لجعل دعوة لمسافات طويلة, و يمكننا التحدث مع الأصدقاء أو أحد أفراد أسرته واحد على الهاتف لفترة طويلة كما نريد. قد يعتقد المرء أن عصر الاتصالات شركات خطوط الهاتف التقليدية قد مرت ، على ما يبدو ، ولكن ليس في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. علينا أن نتعامل مع ال WhatsApp المكالمات المحجوبة and websites that don’t load. But before we get into that let’s see what Botim is. It’s a calling service like WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime, but there’s a catch: Botim is owned by the biggest telecom company in the UAE, that is, Etisalat, which is itself owned by the UAE government. Here we argue that this itself is enough reason for you not to use Botim, but we’ll give even more reasons to make sure, so read on!

الصوت عبر بروتوكول الإنترنت في الإمارات

The UAE government has blocked all independant VoIP services, that is, those it can’t supervise, like WhatsApp and FaceTime, and it has its own brand in place, and that is, Botim. We don’t believe that that’s a good reason, but is it only under the pretext of supervision or security that the UAE government has done this? No. Like in other walks of life, the most compelling reason behind things is المال.

The UAE government owns almost the entire telecom business in the country, and the emergence of these VoIP apps would mean a big blow to the profits and even the existence of these companies. So by outlawing these apps and blocking them all, the UAE is keeping part of its revenue undiminished. Here’s where Botim comes into picture, a calling service by Etisalat which charges you in monthly plans. What should one do then? Is it wise to use Botim?

Why you shouldn’t Use Botim

It must be obvious that there is a major privacy concern with using an app that doesn’t encrypt your data and is made and supervised by the government. There is no shortage of worries here. There’s no guarantee that your data is safe and secure, not being shared with third parties etc. But that’s not the only reason you should avoid using Botim. We believe it’s also more economical to use other ways, and also save some money.

ماذا يمكنك أن تستخدم بدلا من ذلك

The most famous and popular VoIP services are totally free. That means, WhatsApp, Skype, FaceTime, and Viber don’t charge you for a mere call. They are also amazingly fast and secure. Take WhatsApp for example. Your chats via WhatsApp are entirely end-to-end encrypted, so are your video and voice calls. This means perfect privacy while using it, and it’s all for free! The only problem, as you well know, is that they’re blocked. If only there was a way to unblock them! And there is. Read on!

كيفية إلغاء حظر جميع تطبيقات الاتصالات عبر بروتوكول الإنترنت الآمن

There are ways to bypass all restrictions in the UAE, and these ways come in different colors. Here we shall talk about two of them, very briefly. One of them is to use a proxy server in the UAE, but we don’t recommend using it. It has both security risks and its anti-filtering abilities are limited. So ال WhatsApp الحرة بالوكالة عن دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ليست جديرة بالثقة. ما نوصي به هو VPN, والتي هي حتى الآن الأكثر فعالية لمكافحة تقييد طريقة متاحة للجميع. كنت قد تكون مهتمة في هذه المواد أدناه ، على تج مشروعية الشبكات الخاصة الإفتراضية:

يمكنك الحصول على اشتعلت باستخدام VPN في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

ما هي الآثار القانونية المترتبة على استخدام VPN في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ما تحتاج إلى معرفته

هو VPN يسمح في الإمارات العربية المتحدة?

هل هناك VPN على ما يرام في الإمارات العربية المتحدة?

VPN في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network. It reroutes your data through a remote server, while encrypting that data. If it is acquired from a trustworthy provider, you can be sure of its privacy and security. If it’s acquired from the right source, it can provide you with multiple servers and give you many choices and ports so you never get stuck. It doesn’t diminish the connection speed and even makes it faster so you can make your VoIP calls as swiftly as possible. Since it uses remote servers, it changes your IP, and a good VPN provider has many of these servers in various locations so that you can bypass any geo-restrictions to do الجري في الإمارات العربية المتحدةأو استخدام منصات الألعاب مثل Roblox في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

هذه المواد قد تهمك أيضا:

ماذا يحدث إذا كنت اشتعلت باستخدام VPN في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ؟

يمكن أن الشبكات الخاصة الإفتراضية أن تتبع في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

يمكن للشرطة المسار الشبكات الخاصة الإفتراضية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

هناك بعض الصفات التي يجب أن ننظر في VPN. عليك أن تعرف كيفية اختيار الحق VPN لتلبية الاحتياجات الخاصة بك في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

A Good VPN Can’t Be Free

كنت بحاجة لمعرفة المزيد عن vpn مجانا مقابل vpn المدفوعة لماذا يهم لدفع ثمن جيد vpn. First off, let’s be clear about a very important yet often neglected fact about VPNs: It is costly to develop and update them, and keep them running. So it is in no way in the interest of a company to give them away for free. And most free VPNs are actually selling something, and you should ask yourself what before using one. We can answer it for you, it is your data. Perhaps not always in the sense of your online credentials, but sometimes in the sense of your activity, or at least exposing you to the prying eyes of hackers and eavesdroppers, since their servers and ports are public. Read our article on 5 الشبكات الخاصة الإفتراضية لتجنب في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. So beware of free stuff, and read their privacy policy with care, and then when you want to install them, don’t!

The Best VPN is Here: It’s Mena VPN!

ونأمل لم يعد من المستغرب أن أن يكون VPN في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة يجب أن لا لطيفة إلى أن يكونو أنت تعرف لماذا كل مقيم في الإمارات العربية المتحدة تحتاج VPN. صفات أعلى VPN للاستخدام في الإمارات العربية المتحدة are all present in Mena VPN, and even more features than we just named. It is, in the opinion of many of its users, based on its ratings, the top VPN in the UAE and MENA region. It 100% follows EU privacy policies, being based in the Netherlands, and having a no-logs policy it won’t collect any of your data while providing you with the same level of encryption that a user accessing the internet from Europe has, which ultimately means that your connection is as secure as possible. Also, Mena VPN’s support team is always alert to help you along the way, 24/7, whenever you run into problems with your connection, giving you instructions on how to receive the best quality and connect to faster servers. Mena VPN is the only VPN that’s designed specifically for the needs of a MENA region user and UAE residents in particular. As we discussed, a good VPN like Mena VPN offers you a 7-day free trial of the product, so you can try it out before you pay at all, and see that what we say about its qualities is no exaggeration, and of course, Mena VPN costs less than any other major brand on the market. There’s a money-back guarantee there too, so why hesitate? Download it now and enjoy!

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